
Recipe must be original, and must be include a photo of the completed dish. Due to the pandemic we regret we can not allow tasting at the market. The judges will rely instead on written submissions and photos. Please submit your recipe by August 5, 2020. Our three judges will be Lauren Kabis, Jean Freebern, and Julz Irion, and they will be picking their favorite recipe made with goods from our market.
Prize: one (1) market tote bag full of market goodies and gift certificates from our local farmers - and bragging rights! Thank you for celebrating National Farmers Market Week with us (August 7th).
1. recipe must be original
2. recipe must include at least one ingredient from the Arlington Village Farmers Market
3. recipe submission must include a photo emailed to arlingtonvillagefarmersmarket@gmail.com
4. winning recipe will be featured on our website and our social media accounts
5. The winning recipient can pick up their prize on August 7th at the market (4-7pm).