We’d like to thank those who have made our 2020 market possible through grants and sponsorships. The first grant we received for help with our new Covid-response layout and safety protocols was from the New England Grassroots Environment Fund.
“The Grassroots Fund is dedicated to co-creating healthy and sustainable communities throughout New England. The Grassroots Fund empowers individuals, groups and organizations working across a broad range of environmental and social justice issues. By helping them identify, select and access the specific tools, resources and connections they need to challenge existing systems, they are able to develop lasting solutions to the complex problems affecting the places they live and the health of the people who live there. We’re supporting change makers who not only experience marginalization but face systemic and structural barriers to traditional funding.
Thanks to “Rural Vermont, in collaboration with the High Meadows Fund, NOFA-VT, and the Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets... a rapid response ‘mini grant’ fund to support farmers’ markets in need of financial assistance to transition to COVID-19 health and safety protocols.” Your grant provided needed signage and education for our market to safely operate this year. “This grant is partially funded through the Preservation Trust of Vermont C19 Robert Sincerbeaux Fund, Johnson Family Trust, and the Green Mountain Fund.”
We’d also like to thank the High Meadows Fund for their donation of several bottles of sanitizer, and for some additional face masks. “The High Meadows Fund, a nonprofit grantmaking organization based at the Vermont Community Foundation, has offered to purchase masks and sanitizer fluid to supplement the needs of farmers’ markets as they open and create environments that are safe and healthy for vendors, customers and volunteers and comply with the state’s guidance and rules.” Your kind donation was much appreciated as we work to keep our volunteers safe. Our market is 100% volunteer-powered!
Our first sponsor was The Kellan Family Foundation, who not only gave us a donation to start off our year in 2020, but who also was instrumental in providing the support this market needed in 2018-2019 as it was growing into it's own entity. We are grateful for sponsorship in previous years from the Battenkill Valley Health Center, Arlington's schools, and the Bachiochi family.

The Bank of Bennington became a sponsor this year, providing a new website for our new non-profit. This enabled not only easy access to online ordering for curbside pickup, but also provided a platform for our popular kids club, POP. The Bank of Bennington also partially funded our market tote bags - thank you!
Additional thanks to @vtfmaofficial for information on these grants! #vtfma #thankyou